公司:halcraft usa. inc 国家:follow 联系人:follow
地址: 买家名称:halcraft usa. inc 联系地址:60 south macquesten mount vernon. ny 105usa 联系人员:halcraft usa. inc. 出口企业:glass beads. s.r.o. 订单数量:83 产品单位:pcs 提单号码:ncllngyham6661640107 成交价格:1381.31 原产地区:germany 产品名称:1 high cube 40 container 871,00 kgs shipper load count and sealed 83 cartons glass beads ha code: 701810 invoice no. 2005109 this document has been issued for the sole and only purpose of filing the cargo manifest informati 海关编码:701810 订单简介:glass beads; 货物重量:871.14 计量单位:cm 货代名称:ncll 收货地点:hamburg germany (de) (euro) 进口区域:east coast 出货港口:hamburg 目的港口:new york 电话:above 传真:
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