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地址: 买家名称:global organic 0speciality 联系地址:source,inc7345 16th street eas116 sarasota. florid 联系人员:global organic 0speciality 出口企业:romani s.a. 订单数量:909 产品单位:bags 提单号码:cniuarmdz052320707 成交价格:4387.75 原产地区:argentina 产品名称:x 40reefer container 909 bags,onions. conditioned in 20 pallets. 2 filters of bioconservation s. termografo e208674 it is hereby agreed that the vessel is not to be held responsible for the outturn of the contents of container crlu 620896-5 海关编码:70310 订单简介:onions 货物重量:16945.1 计量单位:cm 货代名称:cniu 收货地点:san antonio chile (cl) (samr) 进口区域:east coast 出货港口:san antonio 目的港口:pt everglades 电话:above 传真:
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