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地址: 买家名称:general glass international care of 联系地址:johnson terminal4901 harold scogginsmuskogee ok 74403 联系人员:r w smith co 出口企业:pilkington united kingdom limited 订单数量:14 产品单位:pcs 提单号码:hlculiv0508253000107 成交价格:24673.26 原产地区:united kingdom 产品名称:texture glass 6 cases 6mm pyroshield glass 8 cases 10.5 mm pyroshield glass h.s. code 70043000 delivery no:80699968 ; 海关编码:700530 订单简介:pyroshield glass; 货物重量:19013.16 计量单位: 货代名称:hlcu 收货地点: 进口区域:gulf coast 出货港口:southampton 目的港口:houston 电话:above 传真:
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