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地址: 买家名称:pasha freigth sytems联系地址:5725 paradise drivecorte madera ca 94tel ¨415 927-64联系人员:order出口企业:arpin inernational group订单数量:10产品单位:l0van提单号码:maeusel1905410707成交价格:15780原产地区:republic of korea产品名称:used military household goods personal effects "released to declared value not exceeding $0.50 per each article." according to present schedule oakland eta of this vessel at the port is apr 15 2005 "dod sponsored" 10 moraetes george m ¨a海关编码:797订单简介:used mil hh gds & personal effects货物重量:5418.78计量单位:cm货代名称:maeu收货地点:busan korea ¨kr ¨asia进口区域:west coast出货港口:busan目的港口:oakland 电话:above 传真:
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