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地址: 买家名称:paper system inv联系地址:321 sw 4th streetdes moines ia 50309联系人员:uti united states inc.出口企业:stopak ¨pty ltd订单数量:2492产品单位:pkgs提单号码:mscuct6000650707成交价格:5002原产地区:rep. of south africa产品名称:1 x 6m container 2492 pieces of liner bags t ariff code liner bags 3923.21 stopak ref 6 852 our file ref 60817980 service contract n umber 03-100ww 海关编码:7985订单简介:stopak货物重量:5935.12计量单位:cm货代名称:mscu收货地点:cape town republic of south africa ¨za ¨afri进口区域:east coast出货港口:cape town目的港口:kansas city 电话:above 传真:
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