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地址: 买家名称:p o box dollar services inc联系地址:p o box 1017charlotte nc 28201 -u.s.a联系人员:fedex trade networks出口企业:pt. pan rama vista garment ind lt订单数量:85产品单位:crtns提单号码:maeujkthb09950707成交价格:1115原产地区:indonesia产品名称:340 dnz set 4080 set of "see attachment" "merchandise has been received for shipment to familydollar and must be issued by globe express services" "the shipment contains no wmp" shipped onboard date march 6 2005 shipping marks 海关编码:7985订单简介:general mdse货物重量:650.18计量单位:cm货代名称:maeu收货地点:djakarta indonesia ¨id ¨asia进口区域:east coast出货港口:hong kong目的港口:charleston 电话:above 传真:
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