公司:effingham distribution ctr 国家:follow 联系人:follow
地址: 买家名称:effingham distribution ctr联系地址:1200 stevens avebleffingham il 6240联系人员:streamline shippers association i出口企业:international alliance network corp订单数量:195产品单位:ctns提单号码:mscuyt6935640107成交价格:9207.78原产地区:peoples rep of china产品名称:style #66314 bowtie logo c eramic mug style# 66316 chi lds surprise ceramic mug po#073365 -000 item#66314-2 424 pcs po#073365-000 item #66316-2256 pcs ¨6pkgs no change of desti nation a llowed. -only merchant ha ulage all owed. -e海关编码:691200订单简介:logo ceramic mugs货物重量:2441.02计量单位:cm货代名称:mscu收货地点:yantian china ¨cn ¨asia进口区域:west coast出货港口:yantian目的港口:long beach 电话:above 传真:
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