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地址: 买家名称:kal kan foods inc联系地址:3250 e 44th stvernon ca 90058usa 0 maria martinez联系人员:elite express出口企业:cerestar deutschland gmbh订单数量:80产品单位:pcs提单号码:cmdude11121360107成交价格:72199.1原产地区:germany产品名称:for each containero 20 bigbags of 1000 kgs net 1005 kg gross each on pallets wheat gluten whether or not d for each containero 20 bigbags of 1000 kgs net 1005 kg gross each on pallets for each containero 20 bigbags of 1000 kg海关编码:110900订单简介:wheat gluten货物重量:94400.18计量单位:cm货代名称:cmdu收货地点:bremerhaven germany ¨de ¨euro进口区域:east coast出货港口:bremerhaven目的港口:new york 电话:above 传真:
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