公司:schenker stinnes logistics inc 国家:follow 联系人:follow
地址: 买家名称:schenker stinnes logistics inc联系地址:20 commerce waywoburnma 01801 usa联系人员:schenker stinnes logistics inc出口企业:muebles y mimbres del norte订单数量:278产品单位:cntr提单号码:smluptc002n69397成交价格:36921.32原产地区:honduras产品名称:pieces of metal furniture divisions and tables invoice 05708 purchase order 84117 code 55 04 customs declarations 821 09 03 海关编码:940320订单简介:metal furniture货物重量:6175.59计量单位:货代名称:smlu收货地点:other honduras carib. honduras (hn) (samr)进口区域:east coast出货港口:pto cortes目的港口:miami 电话:above 传真:
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