公司:schenker inc.10400 nw 21st street m 国家:follow 联系人:follow
地址: 买家名称:schenker inc.10400 nw 21st street m联系地址:tel: plus 1 305 592o0b of nurdan tasdemr tampa florida 3362联系人员:schenker inc.10400 nw 21st street m出口企业:schenker arkas nakliyat ve tic.a.s.订单数量:26产品单位:pkgs提单号码:zimuist25190040168成交价格:5056原产地区:turkey产品名称:s.l.a.c. -26 packages leather couch,leat her sofa,side table,ottoman,bar sofa tab le,bookshelves,dining room table,chair b ed heardborad and bed flame,mattress,dres ser drawares,night stands,desk,bed frame hts code:9401,9403,9404 gr海关编码:9401订单简介:leather couch leather sofa etc;货物重量:710.07计量单位:货代名称:zimu收货地点:istanbul turkey (tr) (euro)进口区域:gulf coast出货港口:kingston目的港口:tampa 电话:above 传真:
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