公司:scanica incorporation c0o blue anch 国家:follow 联系人:follow
地址: 买家名称:scanica incorporation c0o blue anch联系地址:2104 highway 7 westconcord on l4k-2s9 c联系人员:blue anchor line-kuehne nagel int出口企业:temasa ind. de moveis ltda c0o blue订单数量:1134产品单位:pkgs提单号码:mscusf598144成交价格:53634原产地区:brazil产品名称:01 container 40hc shipper s load stow and c ount with 1.134 pieces solid pine chest of d rawers with 4 la rge drawers natural varnis h ed. drawers with mini met al gliders 17mm bot toms an d back (2 pieces)30% of pi eces made out of plywood a nd 70% o海关编码:9403订单简介:drawers pine chest货物重量:24700.09计量单位:cm货代名称:mscu收货地点:sao francisco do sul brazil (br) (samr)进口区域:east coast出货港口:sao fran do s目的港口:buffalo-niagara falls 电话:above 传真:
QQ号: 1407106692
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