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地址: 买家名称:scandesigns ltd联系地址:1400 united boulvearcoquitlam b.c.,canada 3vk 6y2 canad联系人员:scandesigns ltd.出口企业:sun cabinet co.,ltd.订单数量:261产品单位:ctns提单号码:eisu050500104065成交价格:26290.36原产地区:thailand产品名称:teak knock down furniture "freight collect" shippers load and count. 261 cartons of teak knock down furniture 9403500-007 teak bed 9403400-005 dining table transhipment at kaohsiung by ever unity v.0156-038e 海关编码:940360订单简介:teak kd furniture货物重量:7359.8计量单位:cm货代名称:eisu收货地点:laem chabang thailand (th) (asia)进口区域:west coast出货港口:kaohsiung目的港口: 电话:above 传真:
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