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地址: 买家名称:sanremo lighting mfg. co. ltd联系地址:51b caldari road sontario l4k 4g3 catel(90669-1230联系人员:same as consignee出口企业:l-tech corporation订单数量:1190产品单位:ctns提单号码:chhkxytto2cu940成交价格:36560.78原产地区:peoples rep of china产品名称:recessed lighting fixtures p item no.h400 298 8pcs item no.h400ica 3972pcs item no.t403w 720pcs "this shipment contai ns no solid wood packing materials" seaw ay express bill of lad ing 海关编码:940510订单简介:recessed lighting fixtures货物重量:9931.94计量单位:货代名称:chhk收货地点:yantian china (cn) (asia)进口区域:west coast出货港口:yantian目的港口: 电话:above 传真:
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