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地址: 买家名称:rooms to go customs furniture corpo联系地址:carr. #2 km 19.1 bo.baja pr pr. tel:7787-995-5961 00949 p联系人员:rooms to go customs furniture corpo出口企业:yeh brothers world trade inc.订单数量:296产品单位:ctns提单号码:zimuhcm572360107成交价格:98064.29原产地区:vietnam产品名称:14244mca 14269 mca for wooden furniture (bed dresser mirror night stand ches t armoire top0base) container no. ctn no . g.w(kgs) meas.(cbm) zcs u8277481 141 ctns 7,146.50 69.07 3 zcsu8103319 155 ctns 7,2海关编码:940360订单简介:wood furniture;货物重量:14443.74计量单位:cf货代名称:zimu收货地点:saigon vietnam (vn) (asia)进口区域:east coast出货港口:kingston目的港口:san juan 电话:above 传真:
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