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地址: 买家名称:r.t.g.furniture联系地址:1475 airport roadlakeland fl 33811770-945-3394联系人员:rooms to go customer house broker出口企业:coronal enterprises co.,limited.订单数量:149产品单位:crtns提单号码:maeuszhd85627成交价格:15701原产地区:peoples rep of china产品名称:k0d furniture as per po#80109354 customer po#276665aho this shipment contains no solid wood packing material. ++ sheng artware products co. ltd. sui lang village,daling shan town,dongguang guangdong prc tel86-769-562-2399 fax86-769-562-2390海关编码:9403订单简介:kd furniture货物重量:7518.15计量单位:cm货代名称:maeu收货地点:yantian china (cn) (asia)进口区域:east coast出货港口:yantian目的港口:miami 电话:above 传真:
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