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地址: 买家名称:r-20 th century联系地址:80 franklin york-ny-usaph. 212 343 7979联系人员:r-20 th century出口企业:sergio baron订单数量:173产品单位:pkgs提单号码:eisu3625000015360107成交价格:19000原产地区:brazil产品名称:furniture ocean freight collect shippers load count 01x40 cntr shippers load and count 173 packages of used furniture freight collect fumigation with methyl bromide treatment shippers load and count 1 ;海关编码:9403订单简介:used furniture;货物重量:8750计量单位:cm货代名称:eisu收货地点:sepetiba bay brazil (br) (samr)进口区域:east coast出货港口:sepetiba bay目的港口:new york 电话:above 传真:
QQ号: 1407106692
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