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地址: 买家名称:quest product international inc联系地址:high point warehouse1100 trinity ave.highpoint nc 27260联系人员:quest product international inc.出口企业:home furnishing source inc.订单数量:120产品单位:pcs提单号码:aplu3001471916507成交价格:19050原产地区:philippines产品名称:shippers load and count various items of furniture palm coast dresser 6 drawers0 quest 40-100 armoire0quest 40-100 dresser0quest 40-100 mirror frame0 royal plantation armoire0quest 40-100 dng chair arm loaded on board 30-apr-05 海关编码:9403订单简介:furniture dresser armoire mirror fr货物重量:5000计量单位:货代名称:aplu收货地点:mandaue city ph进口区域:west coast出货港口:kaohsiung目的港口:los angeles 电话:above 传真:
QQ号: 1407106692
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