公司:mast industries,inc 国家:follow 联系人:follow
地址: 买家名称:mast industries,inc联系地址:3425 morse crossingcolumbus oh 43219联系人员:barthco international inc.,出口企业:bellmart industrial co. ltd.订单数量:2060产品单位:ctns提单号码:molu45008250968成交价格:30436.46原产地区:peoples rep of china产品名称:2060 ctn sleeping bag(sold in duffle bag) style no. 2708 mpo no. vss53970633 cpo no. 40660 shipper bellmart industrial co. ltd. 5th fl. no.36 nanking east road sec 2,taipei,taiwan one of 2 part cargoes in the cntr n0a n0a n0海关编码:940430订单简介:sleeping bag;货物重量:4326.23计量单位:cm货代名称:molu收货地点:进口区域:west coast出货港口:xiamen目的港口:los angeles 电话:above 传真:
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